Friday, December 07, 2007

Hi Family!
I just wanted to check in to say we are all drying out up here and holding up okay. We are all doing well in spite of this weather. Wow! It sure hit us hard up here. Fortunately none of us are dealing with too many problems. Tammy said that so many people were out of power in Olympia that she would open up here home to folks. She was hoping that if they all took her up on it she would actually have enough room. She can feed them all her lentil soup! It's wonderful!
Work have been very busy as we are trying to manage flood control, energy needs, downed transmission lines and fish operations. (The Chum are spawning...who knew?) Between California and Canada we've been able to sell most of the extra water up here in the form of electricity so my work here is done - until next week.

I have a busy weekend coming up. Getting the tree decorated, putting up more lights outside, making more cookies with nephew Matthew and having two little boys spend the night and go to see the Zoo Lights on a train at the zoo. I don't have to be back to work until Tuesday so I can get lots of Christmasy stuff done. (I think I'll teach these kids the chours of: Glooo-ooria. It's Aunt Sandi's Da-ay off!)

Thanks to the anonymous contributor who settled the bet for Cecile and I. It was Macy's Department Store that was part of the "Miracle on 34th Street" movie. I guess Cecile and I will just have to go out to coffee next time we get together!!! One of us won't be paying...

Hope you are all well and getting into the Christmas spirit. Have a great weekend. (Just 17 shopping days left...)

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