Thursday, May 29, 2008

Here are some photos, and, as you can well see, they are in no particular order. [My camera and my computer think for themselves, and none too well.] Some are of Jalen and Brayden (those up in the air), one is of Yvonne (Shirley's niece) and her baby Savannah, Mark and Karen, and another is of Shirley and her sister Loretta on the beach in Panama City Beach.

Yesterday Sue and I took Jalen and Brayden to a mall where they had this great trampoline. We watched some Big Kids for a while who did nothing but bounce up and down. Soon our boys wanted to try it. Brayden went first--after considerable negotiations with his brother. He immediately began doing flips, some single, some double. Soon Jalen was suited up on the second apparatus, and he too started showing us some stuff. Several people gathered around to watch. As you can see, I think, both boys were high in the air but well strapped for safety and maximum showing off. Sue and I had the most fun, however.

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