Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday morning after a busy weekend. Talked to Pete Saturday with his usual weekly phone call. Things were good in Idaho Falls. He had talked to Joe who was enjoying the new sunroom. He said it was more glass than the old one. Somehow Pete knew I hadn't gone to the lake. Goldman came over and helped Rose and Shirley move some furniture around in the basement which hasn't progressed far in the renovation since my last post. The workers didn't show over the weekend and aren't here yet today and it's 10:40. The workmen do have lots of excuses for their delays.

Saturday night was a wondrous occasion! Rose, Shirley, and I went to a friend's 80th birthday celebration. She was an amazing guest of honor. She had also gotten her first pedicure on the very same day. I asked her if her granddaughters had made her get the pedicure but she said it was her daughters who encouraged her to do it. She is a woman of many accomplishments. She did not want gifts - only blessings - but had a gift for each household that attended. The gift is a copy of a book she has recently written and published. "Leafings and Branchings" by Leah Friedman

Leah is an accomplished hostess. I'm sure she made everyone feel as welcome to be there as she made me feel. She danced with several men and was still going strong as we were leaving the party.

There were many people at the party and a few that I knew. It was catered beautifully. As we were leaving and saying our goodbyes, I heard my name being called. "Sue, Sue, Sue," It was Vicki Lander, a good friend of Mary Myers. Mary goes back many years with me and Rose. I feel sad when I go by the site where Noah's Ark used to be. It's where the three of us, Mary, Rose, and I, would meet on Fridays after work for happy hour years ago. The Ark has been torn down for highway construction that's going through there.

I hadn't seen Vicki in quite some time and maybe the meeting was predestined. Vicki is a massage therapist or maybe is retired now but I'm looking for a healing touch therapist and hope Vicki knows Mary Lenihan who is a healing touch therapist that I used to see but have lost contact with. If not Mary, another good one. This blog began as "Sue's Journey Back to Health" and right now I feel like I'm having a 'turn for the better' as they say down in the country. I'd like to keep feeling like I'm improving.

Chris, Shelly, and Oliver came by yesterday on their way home from Purina Pooch Day at Busch Stadium. We had watched for them on television but didn't see them. Chris took my computer and is doing some maintenance on it. They said Oliver was well behaved during the game though he kept trying to run off while they were here.

Three workers finally arrived and they're really working. Rose and Shirley just left to go run some errands but I chose to stay home and update this blog. I'm also watching the workers and they ARE working.

Jana, would you post a picture of Ellie having her first pedicure? Karen and Mark had left their camera on the sailboat the weekend after they were at the lake and were going to Quebec for ten days so I'm not sure when we'll get those pictures.

I'm looking forward to Labor Day at the lake!!!

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