Thursday, June 04, 2009

Goldman and I are off to the lake later this morning, but I to do a little bragging on my grandchildren before we pack up the computer. Yesterday was their last day of school awards day. Scott called to tell me that Jalen, his fifth grader, had a 4.0 grade point average all through that school and received what they call the Principal's Award. I asked why I didn't get invited to the presentation, and Scott said he didn't find out about it until the day before. The award means that he is not only, as Joe Felin used to say "the smartest kid in his room" but "the smartest kid in his school". Needless to say how proud I am and would have managed to have been at the ceremony if I could have made it and had I known about it. I think sixth grade is at a different school. Scott, I think I got this straight.

I told Scott we didn't want Brayden to feel left out with all the bragging going on about Jalen and Scott said Brayden is just glad school is out. He is just out of kindergarten reading at level of one he's supposed to be reading after first grade so he may be "smartest kid in his room" but just doesn't care but just doesn't want to be surpassed by a girl, or so he says. Both of them are eager to spend some time at the lake and are great little athletes. Baseball season is just about over so their weekends will be free and with school being out maybe the boys can stay longer. We sure enjoy having them.

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