Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Here's an update on my journey back to health. I saw the vascular surgeon yesterday who did the angioplasty (inflated a balloon to improve arterial blood flow) in my leg in February My appointment was at three. It was after five before he finally got around to me. Needless to say, Rose and I were both a bit disgruntled. I had already had an ultrasound on that leg, and I knew things weren't right with it since I've been suffering some pain when I walk any distance. The ultrasound showed blockage again, and the surgeon couldn't tell if the blockage was in a new place or had returned to the same place. He said his choices are to try the balloon procedure again, but he wasn't positive it will work. He can do a bypass which would be much more invasive and require a three to five day stay in the hospital, plus he isn't sure I'm a candidate for that procedure. He could do nothing and leave me with the pain when I walk. He just asked me to let him know my decision sometime in the next two weeks.

Needless to say, he left me puzzled about what I should do. During the night I decided to resume heavier exercise, have the balloon procedure again after the great summer I'm having slows down, and discuss the situation with my primary care physician this morming at my regular checkup appointment. Rose and I were early for my appointment. Dr. Jachna was more timely but we still had to wait a while. This doctor isn't sure why the surgeon was reluctant for me to be a candidate for a bypass. She feels she knows me better, and that may be the reason the surgeon said this. He doesn't know me as well. She will call him and get back with me. Now I have high cholestorol and have to add some more medicine to my list. I have to go in the morning for cholestorol testing after fasting and then back for a physical and more blood work in six weeks.

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