Thursday, November 12, 2009

I haven't posted for a while and there's several things that need updating. I talked to Margaret today. Rose and I have been talking to her everyday, and Norman and Robbie have been taking turns staying with her cause they'd like someone to be with her in the hospital as much as possible, i.e., someone who is familiar with her seizures. Norm's the only one who's familiar with them and he has a bed in her room. When he has to go home and really rest and shower occasionally, Robbie fills in for him. Margaret is hooked up to wires and has a hat made out of gauze looking stuff atop her head. Rose and I went to see her Tuesday afternoon and she already was hating being confined to the bed. The doctors decreased her medicines gradually since Monday. Tomorrow is her fifth day, and they told her she'd have to stay 3 to 5 days when she first went in. So far the monitors have only registered a bit of brain waves which could have been from the hit on her head from an accodent she was in some years ago. Today and tonight they are not going to let her go to sleep, thinking this may bring on some seizures. Needless to say, she's ready to go home. I haven't heard Norm complain but I bet he's ready to stay home.

Other news, Scott and Brayden went to Florida last week for their annual Spring vacation. Jalen's mother did't let him go. They did a lot of swimming and playing football. I'm going back to Louisville on the 18th for several days and hope I have as good a time this time as I did last time.

I missed Pete's (aka John Leo Felin) call Saturday. He called yesterday to get Margaret's number. They were pretty much moved. It was no easy task after 28 years on the farm.

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