Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Janet sent this e-mail to Sue. [Caitlin is Nancy and Rick's daughter and Nancy is Janet and Pete's daughter.]

Hi Sue. Do you remember how excited we all were 50 years ago to have a new baby girl? A really little baby girl--5 lbs. Kind of scary. Can't believe Nancy's 50. She looks 30 and has the energy of a 20 year old.

We just got an e-mail from Caitlin. She was in Paris last weekend, saw all the sights and loved the city. Thursday she goes to the Czech Republic for the weekend. They has regular college classes 4 days a week and do a lot of travel to other countries on the weekends. She is taking a full load of credits so sometimes does homework enroute. What an incredible experience. I thought this might be an interesting item for the blog. Love to all, Janet

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