Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ding is going to post about their Idaho ski trip but I'm not sure when he's going to do it. He keeps reassuring me that he remembers his passwords and will do it soon. I also have pictures that Kelly sent me and that Suzanne forwarded to me that someone will have to post. Rose isn't feeling very well today so it may not be her posting them today. I'm ignorant about posting pictures and will just keep letting someone else do it. Kelly and I both have trouble with facebook and are happy with email. He says he actually prefers telephone!

There's some news from the Abbotts this morning. Margaret is back in the hospital. She went in sometime in the middle of the night last night because her foot was swollen really badly. She was in some pain, too, and they gave her some medication after she got there. They did some X-Rays and she wasn't sure what else they did and she's having an MRI today. The doctors aren't sure what's causing this. It could be just the 25% weight on her foot or rejection of the new ankle or even something else. The medical team doesn't know yet. When I know more, I'll post it. Meanwhile, they're staying with Robbie and Catrina and , together with the other Abbott kids, are taking great care of them. If I've got any of this wrong, will one of you Abbott kids correct me?

The sun has come out here. It was cloudy when I first got up. Rose canceled her Apple lesson today which means she really doesn't feel good. Shirley's back is still really bothering her. I may be the only one around this house who feels okay. My friend, Mary Myers, is feeling good again and she and I are going out to lunch Friday. I have a busy week laid out. Brother Joe's computer must still be on the blink. I haven't heard from him all week and Pete told me that Joe's computer wasn't working last Saturday. Get it fixed, Joe!

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