Friday, March 19, 2010

We're up this morning and ready set to go. I haven't heard from the Abbotts yet and hate to call out there for fear they're still sleeping. I know Catrina was off to work this morning but I'll wait a while before I check on Margaret and Norman. It was such a pretty afternoon here yesternoon they were sitting outside when I called them.

Ding picked me up on his way home last night and took me to his house for dinner. Shelly started her new job on Wednesday and thinks she may like it. She has to work again on Saturday. Ding probably stopped by Goldman's after he brought me home last night. I haven't talked to Goldman much since I haven't been feeling good.

Joe's computer is back up working. I really missed having him on line. He said Donald had updated him on what was going on with Margaret that he couldn't get on the blog. I see him on line right now. Joe, I've missed you.

Rose and Shirley are in the process of putting new countertopsin their kitchens. They've already done the oven and microwave and are replacing the electric cooking range, too. I see breakfast is ready to eat. More later. Margaret and Norman probably aren't up yet. I'll add after I talk to them.

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