Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Just wanted to remind everyone who hasn't already voted today to go do so. Rose and Shirley and I didn't have a very long wait at the polls even though the polling place was busy. Now we're waiting for the returns and also waiting for Brother Joe. The current plan (I think) is he's going to come up here for supper and spend the night with us, and then he and Donald are going on to Idaho. I am really envying them that visit!

I had physical therapy yesterday and will go again tomorrow and Friday. Since the doctor did the cortisone shot on my left arm and I've been doing the regular therapy on it, it really feels much better. I still ride the exercycle and walk the treadmill everyday. I'm a very slow typist but I manage.

Groves and I came back from the lake in time for me to see some of the Trick-or-Treaters. Shirley was all prepared for them and we have some candy left over. Rose is trying to stay from it but it's not easy. We gave away the stuff we liked least first!

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