Saturday, January 29, 2011

I’m not sure I’ll update again before February 1 but want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PETE!! By the way, how did JOHN become PETE? If I ever knew, I guess I forgot

Chris was here already as were Groves, Goldman, and Rose. Groves and Goldman brought me my computer. It was at home because the social worker (who sometimes isn’t very social) worries about our leaving the computer if I leave the room. The last one to leave in the evening takes it for safety and to relieve the social worker’s mind. Rose and I did some restorative therapy which is step-hopping, AKA the best walking I can do so far. It’s what therapy will allow me to do at this point under the 25% weight bearing status.

Rose and Shirley have gone for Apple computer lessons and then Rose will be coming back so we can do some more step-hopping. Pete and Janet called this morning. I had the phone in my hand and was waiting for their weekly call. There’s not a lot to do here except wait! Rose and I say that going to the doctor is just ‘hurry up and wait’. This place is a lot of that.

I hadn’t heard from Donald for a while so I called him this morning. Pete gave me his phone number. Donald and Vita will be heading to their daughters for a visit in March. In the meantime, they are moving into a new house. All sounds very well with them.

We may have a winter storm again this week. I think it’s going to start tomorrow. Spring is surely not many storms far off. A lift for the stairs at the lake will depend on the extent of my recovery. Probably necessary for general safety reasons. Maybe once I get downstairs in the morning and upstairs to go to bed that will be enough, but I’m concerned with other people worrying, too.

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