Thursday, April 14, 2011

Doug, Mad Dog, and I are going to the lake this afternoon. They are going to do some work on the swim dock and on other things. Doug has the wave runner repaired and we're going to take it back. It may get pretty chilly as the weekend progresses but it's nice right now. Rose is with a client and as soon as she's finished, we have a couple errands to run and then just wait for Doug and Mad Dog.

I had an Apple lesson yesterday and what I learned is that I have a lot to learn. Not only that, my typing leaves a lot to be desired. Again my teacher was a very young man and also very patient. I do my typing with what we call the 'poker' and I forgot to bring it along. He gave me the choice of either coming back later or proceeding. We went ahead without the 'poker' and I learned a lot.

Tuesday evening was my evening at BJEC. I got there and had dinner with my friends in the dining room. Roger's girlfriend joined us. Then we went into the library and visited until time to play Bingo. Again, only Nels and I played Bingo. Also again, I won TWO games. I'll probably go again next week.

I'm still waiting for response from attendees and the date for our family dinner (April 29) is nearing. Perhaps you've RSVP'd to Pete or Donald. If you have, they haven't let us know! I'm excited about a visit from our brothers!

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