Saturday, September 10, 2011

I spoke with Margaret this morning. Catrina has still had no word about the tests she had this week following the issue that landed her in the hospital for three days. Neither the cardiologist nor the primary care doctor had called her. Margaret had spent the night at Sabrina and Dave's and was probably going to a football game today. Both Brett and Alex have games.

I had typed a long post which I lost AFTER I was finished typing so I'm doing it again! I'm back to using the exercycle and tredmill now. I'm trying to do more outside walking now that the weather has cooled off. Derrington's going away party was last night so I'm not sure any of the guys at the Oakland are up for a walk. Rose can't decide whether to take a nap or take a walk. She will probably choose before I'm finished with this post.

Ding is going to Louisville to be with Scott after his hernia surgery. He and I went to dinner on Thursday and he asked me how I was getting back from Louisville - with him or flying? When we got home, I called Scott and he asked me how long can I stay. They both assumed I was coming so I guess that means they want me. Scott did warn me we may not get to see the boys much.
Pete told me that Kelly had this same sort of surgery a couple years and it's outpatient and laser, I think he said.

I had arranged to meet Kathy (the woman who may finish out the season with me) at the lake house. Rose was going to drive me down but Kathy called Thursday and needed to see her doctor Friday afternoon so, depending on when I get back from Louisville, we'll reschedule when Rose can drive me down and Kathy can make it.

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