Sunday, April 01, 2012

Is 1948 OLD?

Sunday morning and Scott and Brayden have to leave very early. They just arrived yesterday but have school and work tomorrow. They went to a hockey game last night with a bunch of their friends, so we didn't see much of them.

 When I visited Louisville last time, I decided they needed a cook book. I selected one of which I have a duplicate at the lake house and have had for many years. In a short conversation we had with Brayden this weekend, he asked, "Who would give someone a 1948 cook book?"

 Goldman and I finished our great Spring Break on Friday. I have my periodic IVIG tomorrow and Tuesday.  I think Linda and I will begin staying when we can after Easter.

 Pete had already talked to Joe when we talked yesterday. Joe is keeping busy with the Frisco museum. Pete says it's Spring commencing in Idaho.  Here, it's already summer.

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