Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Labor Day

I started today's post and somehow cancelled it (I think, anyway). I had a haircut this morning and the hairdresser is shared by Rose, Shirley, Linda, and me. Needless to say, we all like her and her work. Her name is Stephanie and she's at David's on Maryland in Clayton. I had dinner at Chris and Shelly's Sunday evening. Chris did the cooking and serving and , I believe, the dishes. We are going out for dinner tomorrow night since I'll be gone for a while and he can't come to the lake this weekend. I'm going back down to the lake Thursday. Goldman is going to take me half way and Mad Dog will meet me at Kingdom City. I have a neurologist appointment Thursday morning and Goldman has school so he and I will leave as soon as school is out. We will miss the traffic. I have to be back Monday because I will have my periodic IVIG at Barnes Tuesday and Wednesday.

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