Monday, November 19, 2012

Lots of News

I have several happenings to report.  Chris and I went down to the lake house Friday afternoon and had a hamburger on the way.  We went by Randy's church in Wright City, but it was early and there was no one there.  Chris did the grocery shopping Saturday morning and cooked up a delicious meal that evening.  Meanwhile, I had tried to get Joe to come see us, but he said he was working on their rental house and couldn't get away.  He called later and said he could come.  Shortly after that, he arrive with his dog, Pepper.  We visited and reminisced, and Chris and Pepper went for a walk.  Pepper is certainly attached to Brother Joe and vice versa.

I heard from my old neighbor in Springfield last week.  She and Sam didn't make it to the lake this summer because Sam is working full time now at Bass Pro Shop.  She says he has promised to cut back after the first of the year.  Chase, Leslie's son, is in New Jersey taking pictures of the aftermath of the storm.  Her other son, Jeff, is back from Afghanistan and busy with his girls and house.

Pete called Saturday morning.  Janet has daily therapy at home and is getting along very well.  Kelly and the boys were coming over that afternoon.  I think they were going to the Boise football game first.

Chris wanted to get home in time to watch the Rams game with Shelly so I had him drop me at Margaret's, and that gave us the day together.  Again, she and I spent the day visiting and reminiscing.  Catrina and Lizzie joined us later, and we all had pizza together.  Margaret is as attached to her dog as Joe is to his, and Shelly and Chris are to theirs.

Linda, who had been staying with me at the lake part time has been in the process of moving and out of touch for a while.  Her granddaughter had a serious surgery, and Linda had been keeping her grandson while her daughter stayed with the child at Children's Hospital.

Margaret talked to Mary Pauline Sunday.  She's in a rehabilitation facility in Great Bend, Kansas.  I'll post her mailing address when I'm sure I have the right one.

Goldman picked me up at Margaret's.  He plays hockey out that way on Sunday evening so it wasn't out of his way.

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