Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Happy Birthday, Jana, and thank you for the lovely update.  Brother Pete had asked me on his Saturday call if I had any recent news from our Kansas relatives and now we're up to date with pictures and school news.

I'm still in the hospital (Barnes Jewish) after coming in yesterday.  They did a spinal tap (AKA lumbar puncture), injected a radioactive isotope, and then took a series  of pictures.  They waited 24 hours, and this morning took more pictures.  Now they're waiting another 24 hours and will take another series.  After that I hope I can leave.  Rose told me about a play,' Miss Ever's Boys' that I'm going to google today.  It's a true story in which people have spinal taps as part of an experimental program that they know nothing about, one of those horrible practices that were common before medical ethics were well established.

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