Sunday, November 10, 2013


This will be two posts in one day with just email and phone news.  I type very slowly so I keep busy just correcting my errors.  I wanted to add news about Maudie in Spokane.  My news was in response to an email to Sandi.  We had sorta lost touch.  Cyndi and Dave have moved back to the farm to enable Maudie to stay in the home she so loves.  Her health continues to improve and she is keeping up her therapy.  Sandi thought  the picture collection was a really good idea.  She didn't think there was going to be a great one on either Thanksgiving or Christmas but several small ones and she would be sure to have pictures taken and emailed for the Family Collection.

I also heard from Leslie King today.  She's my old neighbor in Springfield.  We visited a long time.  Chase will be with her for Thanksgiving but Sam is working and Jeff is in Ft. Polk, LA  She has seven grandchildren of which I'm envious.

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