Friday, January 31, 2014

Quiet Friday

Chris and I went to dinner with Shelly and her Uncle Butch at JJ's again last night.  Butch has a horse he loves to go see and ride.  His family is inquiring with Martha's Hands about someone who could take him there (to wherever they stable the horse) so he could ride sometimes.  I guess I phrased that right.

The physical therapist and Petrina from Martha's Hands are both coming today,  Between the two of them and with their encouragement, I've really been keeping up my efforts to improve my balance, which is one of the main things the therapist works on.  Petrina helps with that and everything else.

Linda and I are going to the lake Monday through (weather permitting) Thursday and will try to interview a woman from Plattsburg that Jennifer, Donald's daughter,  knows.  The woman is a possible helper/companion for the summer.  I haven't been able to get back in touch with her yet,  but Jennifer said she could bring her for the interview if need be.

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