Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Already Wednesday

It's already Wednesday.  Time goes really fast down here.  Chris and I watched the old movie 'Airplane' and we're trying to remember what the guy called the nervous old lady who had eggs in her mouth.  In reality, it was Florence Henderson from The Brady Brunch and it was one egg and not three eggs.  We got that from Scott and Google.  Whatever it was, Denny always called anyone who talked with their mouthful by that name.  Scott says he never talks with his mouthful and that's why he doesn't know that.

Kay Berry will be here tomorrow for a couple days.  Mad Dog will be back after while.  There's Missouri U game tonight and I think they can have the good TV.  It would put me right to sleep anyway even if it's on that early.  We're having pork steaks for dinner and will have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow.  It's hard to make a few even if I'm not the one cooking and I don't have a crowd.

Mad Dog just arrived so I'm going to quit for now.

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