Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday at the Lake

Yesterday started off warm and calm but ended up incredibly chilly and windy.  Today there's blue sky but the forecast doesn't predict a warm up.  Kay Berry is on her way down and is going to do my spring house cleaning.  She  and and I have lots of old friendship to catch up on.  The first thing I need her to work on is my fingernails.  Guys are good at a lot of things but they won't even try at that.  By the way, that's not part of the spring house cleaning.  It's just woman's work and I can no longer do it.

We had potato soup for dinner last night.  I believe we'll have it for lunch again today.  Chris had never made it before and his recipe called for an abundance which he made.  There was only the two of us and he didn't lessen the recipe.  He says if you can read you can cook.  I'm not sure about that but I did eat a big bowl with a big spoon.  It was very good.

I'll have Chris take pictures while Kay's here and post them.  The deck looks better without the snow that covered it when Linda and I were here.  I'm enjoying Net Flex which the kids gave me for Christmas but will be glad when baseball season starts.  Both my husbands wouldn't believe I said that.

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