Saturday, May 03, 2014

Saturday at the Lake

It's cool this morning but supposed to warm up later in the day. I rode down yesterday with Doug and Groves and Josie and one of her girlfriends, Mad Dog was here when we arrived. Suz and Lukas and one of his friends are coming today. We stopped and ate on the way down in Jefferson City and then ran into an awful traffic backup. Doug took a shortcut which turned out to be a long cut. It was an accident we could't avoid. I think I learned some new words. Everyone is still sleeping but Mad Dog gets up and gets my coffee and checks on me occasionally. As usual, I'm up first. I figured the fishermen would be out early but they're not so far. I've got the phone by me for Pete's Saturday call. The boat is ready to go and Doug is going to get the wave runner de-winterized. I'm not sure if the pool is open yet. It's been cool. The home owners meeting is Sunday and Doug is going to go with me. I think I'm the only original homeowner in the association. I don't even know a lot of the current owners now so it will it be interesting. I'll see if anyone wants to buy Dave and Liz's wave runners.

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