Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Morning

It's a quiet morning and not going to be as hot as yesterday.  Rose has her guitar lesson this afternoon and Marnett from Martha's Hands is coming to assist me with my shower and exercises.  I'm not sure what Shirley has planned.  We still don't have TV service and won't have until Friday.  We all three agree it's been many years since we've lived without a TV.  [Actually, we argue about who was poorest as a child.  Rose and I win.]  The ATT U-Verse system we've had for almost three years has been riddled with problems.  The breaking point was this last outage that would have cost about $250 to repair.  Rose is busily researching the best alternatives.

Milwaukee beat the Cardinals yesterday, a game I listened to on the radio.  It is the All-Star break this week, so we will probably spend our evenings with Rose and Shirley playing Scrabble and some watching of old movies through Apple TV, which never breaks down.  I did watch "The Parent Trap" last night but fell asleep before it was over.  I'm going to finish it today.  It's one of Shirley's favorites, and I can see why.

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