Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Niece Stephanie, daughter of Margaret and Norman Abbott, sent a short update on her health issue for posting here:

"I had my 4 month check up today.  I developed some new lumps in the muscles and the lymph glands, so the doctor ordered a CT/PET scan to take a look yesterday.  I got the results of the scan today as well. Looks like they are simply lumps and bumps...the scan showed no cancer activity in them!!! Praise God! I don't have to go back for another 6 months AND they are going to take out my port!!! Hallelujah!

Thank you all for your support and prayers the last 16 months.  They have meant the world to Dan and me, and at times were the only thing that kept us going.  May God bless each and every one of you as abundantly as you have blessed us!"

This is wonderful news, and we celebrate Stephanie's victory with her!

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