Monday, January 27, 2014

Home Again

I'm back in St. Louis and I believe it's going to be cold today after a warmer day yesterday.  I don't believe I have to go out, but Rose has her guitar lesson and will have to  suffer the cold.  She got a new guitar case for when she and Shirley go to Florida, and I'm sure she'll use that today.  She is still doing her daily practice and taking her weekly lessons.

I have the CNA and maybe the physical therapist coming today.  I didn't ride the exercise bicycle this weekend and feel guilty about it, but I'll do my regular routine today.

Chris made me very nervous during the trip home yesterday.  We were traveling in the company car, and it's only used right now for my transportation.  I wanted to go as far as we could without putting gas since whoever hauls me around would already have gas and I told him this.  We got near St. Louis and I thought it was time to fill up and told him so.  He said we could go farther and kept on.  I managed to keep my mouth shut for several miles but finally had to speak up.  He told me when we finally  did stop '"I wish you'd make up your mind.  Go as far as we can or stop before we need it'.  I was past nervous by the time we stopped and he was still griping by the time we got in the house.

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