Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My computer has a 'virus' and Shelly has the flu so Chris is taking care of both and hasn't had a chance to bring the computer back yet. I'm using Rose's in the meantime and hope to have mine back tomorrow. Margaret got worried about me Saturday cause she didn't see me online all day and called to see if I was okay.

We liked Sabrina's update. I could tell that it took a lot of time and effort. Let me explain where "I hope I don't look too cheerful" originated - When Uncle John died Sabrina came to Rose's and was blubbering and crying and could barely talk and I don't even remember what she was wearing but she blubbered to me "I hope I don't look too cheerful". She certainly didn't mean to be funny considering the circumstances but it was. It's become an old family expression that we use in different situations.

She mentioned Margaret's unfavorable results from her mammogram and the treatments that she's going through. This inspired both Rose and me to go for mammograms. We went this morning and they said we should have the results in a week or two. I went to the neurologist yesterday and all he did this time was change my medication a bit. The results they got from the electrodes weren't what they had hoped for but he said never say never. This is the neurologist that was born in the same hospital as me and Donald. He asked if I'd been down that way recently but I said no but my brother volunteers at 'our' hospital.

Brayden turned five today. Scott took him and Jalen to an indoor waterpark in Cincinnati Sunday and Monday. He got to skip school Monday and Scott said he didn't care if he got to go anywhere if he didn't have to go to school. He still cries til he gets to the carpet in the morning. Scott peeks in the window to check. Uncle Chris says it's okay cause he cries everyday on the way to work. Brayden called me today and said he may be five but he still feels four. Maddog and I are going to meet Scott and Brayden halfway between here and Louisville Thursday night and we get to keep him for the weekend.

Pete called Saturday morning with his weekly update. This week he was in blizzard conditions. He said the snow plow had been by three times already that morning. It's really cold here and we had just a bit of snow and ice last night but not much. It's supposed to stay cold all week. We leave next week Wednesday for Florida and are getting excited about it. Donald called yesterday with directions and said the key is in the mail.

I know I wrote about how they shaved the sides of my head when I had the surgery and it looked terrible. I wore a hat or a scarf for a few days and then said to heck with it. I went yesterday for a haircut and explained that I wanted my longer hair trimmed a bit and I was just waiting for the shaved part to grow out. He gave me a BUTCH!!! I'm going Friday to get a wig. After the haircut Rose and I drove around a bit and I cried a while and we went back. The man who cut it hid in the back of the shop. The manager won't tell us who owns the shop but I think this is a matter of public record. They are going to refund my money but say they won't pay for a wig. I'm going to get really nasty. Rose took some pictures this morning and I'll let her post them when I get a wig and I have a before and after.

I'm typing this on Rose's computer so it may say she wrote it. She could type it in about 5 minutes when it takes me probably at least 30.

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