Thursday, March 06, 2008

I have another correction. Wrestlemania is in Florida. The wrestling event that we got Brayden for his birthday was something else and was in Louisville. Brayden corrected me on that when I talked to him on the phone.

I'm back at Barnes and thought I was only here overnight for my periodic IVIG. Dr. Lopate measured my strength and I haven't lost any and may have gained some in my legs. I've been having some double vision and headaches for the last few weeks. The other neurologist and the neurosurgeon think the headaches are from the incisions and Tylenol or Advil helps there. They didn't venture a guess about the double vision. Dr. Lopate thought it needed further investigation and I had a two hour MRI last night. It was pure torture. I was all set to leave this morning. The IVIG was finished. I was dressed. Rose was here to get me.

Then came the bad news. When they read the results of the MRI, they discovered an aneuresym (sp?) in my neck. I have to stay here at least another night and have an angiogram this afternoon. I've never had one of these before so I'm not sure what it entails. I can't eat or drink for 6 hours and have to have an IV. Then I'm semiconscious and they insert dye through my groin to get a better look at the aneursym and then I have to lay flat for 6 hours after that. I'll know more after they get the results from the angiogram. The neurologist said this probably has nothing to do with my neuropathy or my seizures. How many more afflictions can I get?

Rose saw her neurologist yesterday and got a clean bill of health from her Bell's Palsy attack. This one asked how they diagnosed what she had but she didn't tell him that she had found it on the innernet and that was the reason she went to the emergency room.

I hope I have better news in the morning and I'll update the blog again then.

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