Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Stephanie's diagnosis and treatment are happening at a breakneck speed.  Here is the update she sent for posting on "The Family Gazette":

Here is the latest:

With the help of a wonderful friend from church, Shawna Rogers, I made it to my appointment this morning at 8:30. I met with the oncologist, and he told us that the MRI of the brain showed that although there are numerous tumors in my skull, it has not spread to my brain, and as an added gift, it is also not in my bone marrow. This is the first really great news we have gotten since God started us on this journey, and I know that it is due to the prayers that you have been storming the heavens with. Thank you!

I enjoyed a day with Dan and Shawna, including some time at the Sunny Skies Cafe and a trip to Michaels. I got some coloring books and crayons as a way to help pass the time and calm my nerves. We then went to hospital and I had my first Lumbar Puncture chemo and then the placement of the port. The RCHOP chemo will start tomorrow morning. I have be there at 7:30 and it will take about 5 hours for it to run. Then I have to go back by radiology and let them look at the port as it is unusually sore. Jacob is going to take us tomorrow.

I cannot express the depth of my gratitude and love for my ROC family. Shawna spent 12 hours running us around today...what a treasure she is. Thank you God for sending her into our lives. Not only do I have an amazing sister in Christ, but also a wonderful friend!  I am also beyond blessed to have the family and friends that God has provided me.  There are so many who face this battle alone, and for them I cry.

Again, thank you so much for you love, your prayers, your messages, and your kindnesses. God has blessed me beyond measure!


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