Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Girls Weekend

I'm behind on my updates and still in the Rehab Institution, hoping to be released Thursday, well enough to go to the lake for our annual Girls Weekend.   The personnel here (Rehab Institute of St. Louis) will evaluate my condition at a weekly conference Thursday and decide whether or not I'm in shape or not.  I'm waiting impatiently for their decision.  The original plan was for Linda and me to go down tomorrow and the rest to follow as quickly as they could make it.  I still have hopes.  Things are up in the air.

Scott called first thing this morning to find out, as he puts it, 'what's up'.  He thought I'd be out of here by now and so did I.  Rose is here everyday at least once.  She is also diligently practicing the guitar. Sunday she and Shirley went went to a friends' wedding and reception and stopped to see me on their way home to show me their outfits.

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