Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday Morning

It's me and I am typing again.  I was truly disheartened yesterday, but have hope that I won't be here (Rehab Institute of St. Louis) long.   I left the hospital last evening and checked in here.  The therapists will evaluate my condition on Monday after checking me over, and my progress will determine when I can go back to the lake.  I can see much progress myself.   Rose can, too.  Aan the physical therapist who began the evaluation from notes sent from the hospital can also see progress.

I knew it was Saturday when Pete called this morning.  It was cold in Idaho but hot in Missouri.  He said it warms up for a day but just cools off again.  It was 40 this morning.

Brayden had a game yesterday.  The other team didn't show up so they just had practice and won by forfeit.

I am a bit worried about some of the folk at Barnes.  There was a sign about falling that had the word "without" spelled as two words.  Rose, Shirley and I caught it right away.  However my neurologist didn't catch the error.

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