Thursday, May 21, 2015

Who knew?

Seems Sue is heeding the words of the great poet:

     Do not go gentle into that good night,                               
     Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
     Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

As of this evening, May 21, 2015, at 8:00 pm, she is holding fast to the light.   Chris and Scott are at her bedside, and Chris will spend the night tonight.  Tomorrow she may have to be transferred back to BJEC for hospice care.  When I was arranging for that possibility this afternoon with the BJEC business office, even the woman there knew Sue and was saddened by the news.  [Sue has been in and out of BJEC a half dozen times now and knows all the staff.  In 2005 Denny, Sue's husband, was there several months before his death.]

Lots is happening in these sad days.  Kathleen, the daughter of Sue's long-time and very good friend, Jack Delaney, has agreed to sing at Sue's memorial service, accompanied on guitar by her husband.  The songs we've chosen are the Andrew Lloyd Weber "Pie Jesu" and Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah."  Kathleen knows Sue well through both her father and mother.  Kathleen's words to me were, "It would be a privilege to do this for Sue."  Jack sang at both Sue and Denny's wedding and at Denny's funeral.  Kathleen inherited her singing voice from him.  

Two good family friends are planning a service, part religious, part secular, all Sue.  Family and friends will be invited to speak of their relationship with Sue, either in person or by sending us their message (   Mark Goldman, who delivered the eulogy for Denny, will do so for Sue.  (That was the only request I ever heard Sue make about her eventual leave-taking.)

This afternoon Marnett brought her eight-year-old son, Torré to say goodbye to Sue--at his request.  Torré is an old soul and bonded with Sue during the family trip with her to the lake in March.  He has also spent time at our house over the past few months.

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