Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Nothing much new. Just exercises, physical therapy, occupational therapy, riding the exercise bicycle 20 minutes every day and walking  as much as I can. I went to a gatroenterologist (spelling?) yesterday.  She put me on a reduced lactose diet and a multiple vitamin, and did some blood work.  She wants to reduce the dosage of prednisone I am taking over time.

Goldman's birthday is today.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARK.  He stopped after school to pick up the card we had for him.  Mad Dog's Birthday is sometime this weekend, but we're not sure where he is so don't know where to send his card.

Sis is taking me to the neurologist tomorrow. Originally the appointment was scheduled for December, but the nurse called today with an opening I could make.

Stephanie is recovering from her shoulder surgery and will begin physical therapy soon.

Shirley's nephew and family will be in town over the weekend.  We are looking forward to their visit, especially to seeing the gorgeous two-year-old son.

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