Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Left and Right

Waiting for a call from the occupational therapist who's supposed to come this morning, and my helper from Martha's Hand's will be coming at eleven. The OT is just coming to check my progress with the therapy I've been having. She comes periodically.  I am diligent about my exercises, and just found out yesterday from the physical therapist that I was using two right handed splints and should be using left and right.  I've ask Chris if he can pick up the left one if he's in that area today.  He checked at Walgreen's but they don't carry splints.  The physical therapist also showed me a way to practice my handwriting so it's much more readable.  I still like the computer and it's legible, more so.

Rose and Shirley both have busy days today.  I'm hoping Chris can save her one stop.

Goldman's father-in-law had open heart surgery this week and it went even smoother than they had anticipated.  I'm not sure when he's getting out of the hospital.  It's a miracle what they can do these days.

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