Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Schedule

I believe we're getting new windows in the living room today but I'm not sure we've heard from the installer. Sis has a couple clients this afternoon and my helper is coming to assist me.  I'm not sure what Shirley's schedule is.  The BJEC nurse will arrive to assist my helper in bandaging my arm.  Everyone makes a bigger production of the healing but I'm getting well-at least my arm is.  The rest of me has a long way to go.

The only good thing about BJEC releasing me is that I can go to the lake house.  I'll still get outpatient therapy and someone will have to take me (which I hate), but it's nearby.  I do have an appointment with a podiatrist this Monday, and it's nearby.

Rose and Shirley keep me on the limited diet (lactose-free) that one of the doctors put me on.  They also eat this way, too.  Pete, Shirley does prefer rice over potatoes while Rose likes both.  I only like potatoes.

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