Thursday, September 16, 2004

You can reach Sue at (314) 452-3685 or (314) 726-2032. You can write to her c/o Rose Holt, 905 Barnard College Lane, St. Louis, MO 63130

I had a third appointment with Master Wang on Monday and still haven't made a decision about continuing treatment with him.

Shirley, Rose, and I flew back to St. Louis Tuesday afternoon where Chris met us at the airport. He had picked up the mail at the other house so he could hurry us home in time for the arrival of the SSM home health nurse who was here at 3:30 to begin the Solumedrol infusions once again. These infusions are the same ones I had from late February until late May every two weeks. The nurse puts an IV needle into my arm, begins the first infusion, and we finish over the next 18 hours with three additional treatments. This time the whole process went very smoothly. I think the Solumedrol has a very subtle and helpful effect, but it is still early. One problem is sleeplessness. I am not sure it is the medication, but last night I was awake a LOT. Of late, I have been sleeping extremely well, which is the case for most of my life and a real blessing.

Yesterday my healing touch session with Mary was wonderful! Mary starts our sessions with a prayer/dedication, and that sets the tone for hour. It is the fastest hour of my week. I don't actually fall asleep, but do enter a state of deep tranquility and meditation.

We've been watching Ivan and worrying about Shirley's family who live in Louisiana and Donald and Vita whose place must have been hit pretty hard. Shirley's one brother lives in New Orleans in the French Quarter. She talked with him yesterday, and he told her he was enjoying being there without tourists, traffic, and noise, and wasn't concerned about his safety. The news this morning is that New Orleans was largely spared. Other members of Shirley's family live more inland so did not have to evacuate.

This coming weekend is our annual 'Girls' Weekend at the Lake.' This year there are 16 of us converging to eat, sunbathe, shop, cook, drink, laugh, gossip, and relax. I had a dream Wednesday night that I was making a mountain of chicken salad for the occasion, my traditional contribution to the food chain--which is a long one! So, there's nothing to do but get busy once again with the shopping and the chopping. I'll put Rose and Shirley to work.

The top to Chris and Shelly's Honda Del Sol was stolen a week ago. Chris located one on E-Bay, but until it arrives Shelly is having to ride around with a tarp. Luckily, we haven't had rain here until now. Ivan is having an effect.

Today I have physical therapy. Chris will be by sometime in the afternoon. Tomorrow I see a new dermatologist, then it's off to the Lake until Sunday.

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