Friday, March 25, 2005

You can reach Sue at (314) 452-3685 or (314) 726-2032. You can write to her c/o Rose Holt, 905 Barnard College Lane, St. Louis, MO 63130

Here is an interesting e-mail response from Brother Joe about family history:

Joe, we don't have any comments because we don't know anything. We really appreciate all the research you are doing.

COMMENT: The book you had when you lived in Springfield, I think it was about Holy Trinity Catholic Church, had a good bit of information on the LaFoe Family. Does it show anything that is not mentioned in my e-mail?

Where are Katie and Jacob, our father's parents, buried in?

COMMENT: In the same plot as our Mom & Dad & our siblings, in the Marshfield Cemetery.

Why do some Felins spell our name with one 'l' and others with two?

COMMENT: The document "First Naturalization Paper" dated 5th day of Nov, 1889 shows the name Giacomo Feelin The document is barely legible, but the date, name, etc. are very clear & appears to have been filed in Kansas. The next document, this time much clearer, is dated 22-Mar-1904, in Webster County & it is the final naturalization papers. It mentions the Nov. 5/1884 document as being filed in Cherokee County, KS.

As far as the proper spelling, including the LaFoe Clan, there are different spellings. The wedding of Edward LaFoe & spouse, in l866, are both signed with their "X". For these immigrants to enter the U.S. & unable to read or write or speak english must have been a challenge in itself. Probably anything to get them through the gates & move on to the next group of immigrants was the major goal?

How does it happen that we are not related to Mary Felin and Henry Felin when they had money? How is it all our relations are poor and some even crazy? We don't mean to be flip, but crazy and POOR? That's our heritage?????

COMMENT: Our brother Bob once said that Jake & Sam Andreatta were friends in Austria before coming to the U.S. Jake went on to work in the Colorado coal mines & kept in touch with Sam. There are still some Andreatta's living in Colorado. (ask Pete). Anyway Sam, back in MO, mentioned some Fellin's in Webster County, Jake came to see if they were related, found out they were not, but he settled down & married. That may account for the first naturalization papers being filed in Cherokee County KS (Pittsburg?)

Leslie and Chase are coming up tomorrow for a family thing. They are staying overnight with us. Which, of course, brings up a Big Question: When are YOU coming up?

COMMENT: I am getting mossed in & find it to be a rather comfortable way to be. May get out some when Spring get here.

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