Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sue, Shirley, and I (Rose) spent the weekend in Chicago. On Monday, Sue saw Dr. Chris Costas, the physician we so respect and the one who was so helpful when Sue was hospitalized twice last fall while in Chicago. Dr. Costas was extremely pleased to see Sue and to see how well she is doing. He recommends another round of the immuno-globulin intravenous treatment and stressed the importance of lots and lots of physical therapy. In his usual thorough manner, he also gave all three of us flu shots.

Costas reiterated his opinion that Sue had some kind of virus (West Nile?) that has run its course. Last year he told us the odds that one person would have two extremely rare illnesses were astronomical. The Law of Parsimony would say likely there was one illness, one cause for the symptoms Sue experienced.

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