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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jana sent me these details of the services they arranged for Cindy. Though it is really hard for all of them, Jana said she thinks Cindy is more at peace than she has been, especially the last three years. Cindy suffered such pain and discomfort during that time. Jana, Tricia, Karen, and Danny went over to Betty's last night and just sat and relaxed. Jana said Betty is always a comforting presence.

Cindy will be laid out at tonight from 7pm-10pm for family viewing and tomorrow from 1pm until 8pm for public visitation. Services will be at Prince of Peace Parish, St. Patrick's, Great Bend, KS at 10:30am Friday morning.

Memorials will go to Cindy Parr Memorial Fund for Cancer Patients
Minnis Chapel
526 E. 4th
St. John, KS 67576

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