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Sunday, August 12, 2007

20 year celebration for Royal Switchgear, Birmingham, AL Aug 04, 2007

This was a gala event hosted by Royal Switchgear and emceed by its President,
Donald R. Felin, with assistance from his staff. It was held at the Embassy Suites, in Birmingham and well attended. The attendees included Donald Felin and wife Jennifer, daughters Julie and Jennifer, Plattsburg, MO. Don's brothers, John (Pete) Idaho Falls, ID and Joe, Springfield, MO. plus the employees of Royal Switchgear, suppliers and spouses. Much good things were heard about this excellent and well managed company.

The entire evening went quickly and a good time was enjoyed by all! One of the big winners was the employee that won the huge TV set. Everyone had ample amounts of excellent food and beverages. We all thank Don, Vita and the Company for this event.

Donald, Pete and I also visited the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum Saturday afternoon. It has literally hundreds of motorcycles on display in the museum plus an adjacent race track. No races were being held but there were probably 8-12 Porche automobiles moving around the track at a relatively high speed. These cars can be driven by the visitors (funds permitting).

Pete flew to Birmingham and I drove. It is about a 10 hour drive from Springfield, MO. I took a short detour through Doniphan, MO, reportedly home territory for our grandfather, David Harve Madden. It is beautiful County and in the Eleven Point Scenic waterways system.

My good fortune was needing gas in W. Memphis, AR. Reg gas $2.46 per gallon.

Meanwhile, back home, the two LL's added Lydia's mom, making it the Big Three
and went to see the American Idol in St. Louis Thurs. night. Schools start here
in a few days so their vacation time is about over.

Springfield Cardinals are in town tonight playing the Corpus Christi Hooks but it is all on TV.
Saves me a few bucks and also I can enjoy it in air conditioned comfort. (at home)

Hello to all, Joe

1 comment:

jgfelin said...

Goofed again! Donald's wife's name is Vita. Daughters names are Jennefer and Julia.

Also a better word for "ample food"
should have been" much more than ampl"

Boy, both feet this time.