Monday, August 20, 2007

I had my regular IVIG treatment on Monday and got home on Tuesday. Everything went smoothly and it was just boring since I couldn't move far from my room because of the IV.

Rose and I had appointments with a dermatologist on Thursday. We used to think when we were younger that if a doctor was younger than we were, he or she couldn't possibly be competent. We have come full circle. This dermatologist was older than we are and was NOT very competent. He pronounced Rose fine and told her to use sun screen. He looked at one of my four spots and sent me across the hall to a dermatology surgeon. The spot the old guy was concerned about is probably fine but one of the other spots on my face is questionable. Chris took me to this appointment but left the room when they got out the needle to deaden my nose for the biopsies. Results of the two biopsies won't be back for 5 to 7 days. Rose needs to see a younger doctor.

Goldman and I headed for the lake as soon as he got out of class Friday. Doug, Suzanne, Josie, and Luke got there later that evening. The lake was quiet with very few boats and waverunners in our cove. The old fellow {he may be younger than me} who works on my boat and refoamed my swimdock recognizes my voice. I'm not sure that's a good sign. He did tell me not to pay until I'm sure things are fixed right. Doug did some fishing and now has enough fish in the freezer for a Labor Day fish fry. Suzanne thought up projects for Doug to tackle in the future. These projects do not leave much time for fishing. Goldman and Doug took Luke to the bumper cars. Luke has wanted to do that 'all his life'. He's 7!!!

I talked to Joe for a bit on line while ago. The area had lots of rain but he didn't have any flooding. He had had an email from Mike Madden who had been in California but Joe didn't elaborate. Maybe it was something to do with the wine making process. Mike, we need to hear from you.

Rose and Shirley are still on their personal weight watcher diet. Shirley says she has probably lost about 40 pounds - 2 or 3 pounds at a time - but gains it back the same way - 2 or 3 pounds at a time. For all her effort, she says she's not getting very far. They both have lost some and are still losing and are looking good. Rose is in an all day meeting at St. Louis Univ. and Shirley couldn't see clients because she has a personal commitment - the Chicago/Cubs game.

Shirley has an appointment in the morning about her shoulder. The appointment is at 7:30 and Shirley is not a morning person but suffers so that she is hoping this doctor can give her some relief so she was willing to take this early appointment.

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