Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's past time for an update everywhere and I've been trying to outwait everyone but just didn't do it. Catrina, you left us hanging on Margaret so we really need an Abbott catch up. I talked to her a long time this morning and also yesterday and she has her sense of humor back - if she's ever lost it. Sabrina spent the day with her yesterday and left her own three guys to fend for themsejves. Sabrina was working on her sixth load of laundry this morning when we talked. I told her she must be the "laundry fairy" at their house as Shirley is here and Chris says Shelly is at their house.

Pete called yesterday morning with his weekly report. They're not sure when they're heading back to Idaho for the summer. They're having work down on their lean-to and he was waiting for the carpenters. I told him he needs a 'Doug' like I have. He had already talked to the rest of the family when he called me. We reminisced about soon-to-be-50 years since I spent my sophomore year in high school in Idaho Falls and Pete taught me to drive. Did they have automatic transmissions back in those days? Pete thought I'd never learn to shift gears using the clutch. Neither did I.

He told me about an incident with Nancy's 16 year old son, Eric. He took Eric to a truck stop where he hangs out and told Eric about this kid who works in there that wears a T-shirt with his jeans down low (as kids do these days) and who has a navel hernia. He told Eric not to look because the kid was self-conscious about it. He said Eric was like a 'coon dog on point'. (I believe that was the expression he used.) Poor Eric couldn't keep his eyes off it. I'll bet Eric never goes back there with Pete!

If I put anything on this blog before I'm supposed to, I apologize. I can blame it on the medicine. I've had this week what the neurologist decided (after a battery of blood tests and a urine test) was low sodium and anemia. Rose is so good to me that when we went to Barnes for the tests and I had trouble producing the urine sample, she was going to give that for me. The cure--and I am better--is lots of salt. She and Shirley even put salt in my butter and, I think, in my coffee. For a while I was afraid I would't be able to go to New Orleans this week, but now I believe I am well enough for the trip.

Friday evening Chris, Goldman and I went out for dinner. When the waitress came around to take orders for drinks, Goldman and Chris suggested I have a virgin Margarita. She said they didn't have such a thing. After dinner we moseyed down to the casino. I loved just sitting by Chris and watching him play. Every hand was painful and each hand was difficult. He would ask me if I'd go for a straight or a flush. I'd said usually what I chose was the wrong one so don't take my advice. Just like his mama, he'd pick the wrong one. If he drew 3 of a kind he's have me push the button. He never did get the fourth one. I told him I was praying hard for him. He said "Not as hard as I am!" That place is full of people praying (and unanswered prayers) regardless of denomination. We left broke but laughing.

Thursday night Chris and I went to the Cheescake Factory for dinner. Shelly had to take one of their dogs to the vet and couldn't join us. Rose and Shirley had a meeting. Last night Goldman came over and took me to Steak n Shake. Rose and Shirley had a workshop Friday and Saturday and were tied up a lot of the time. Rose introduced the speaker Friday evening and I'm sorry I missed that part of it. That's three evenings in a row I was out with the young men. I don't believe I had that many dates 45 years ago - especially 3 nights in a row.

Have Kansas, Washington and Oregon fallen off the map??? We need updates. Chris is going to add one with a picture, soon I hope. I'm starting acupuncture tomorrow afternoon. I did acupuncture a few years ago and this is a different practitioner. She is at the Big Bend facility and Goldman's coming to take me as soon as school 'lets out' (as we used to say). I have Yoga Tuesday morning with Vicki here at the house. I see Dr. Allen, the doctor who did the angiogram, on Wednesday for a checkup. Thursday's the BIG DAY. We leave for New Orleans. We're going to go part way on Thursday and arrive there on Friday.

I got new walking shoes today hoping the weather will soon warm up enough to resume my walks. I'm still riding the exercycle (I did over 3 miles on it today and also walked around the mall once in my new shoes) besides doing some of my Yoga exercises. I believe walking through the French Quarter will be extra good exercise. My next posting may be from the French Quarter unless I'm too busy beating Rose, Shirley and Loretta at cards. Shirley already has the change counted out. She should add some paper money to theirs.

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