Saturday, December 03, 2011

Talked to Margaret yesterday evening.  She's still in the Great Bend hospital and wasn't sure when she would get out and feel like making the ride home. She was hoping to learn more when she saw a doctor today. She didn't know whether Ralph's family members were going to take his body to Marshfield to be buried by Nadine, but thought there is a burial plot at the Marshfield cemetery for him.

Randy's father-in-law, John Queenan, died last Sunday. He had recently moved to California and started having serious health issues a few weeks ago.  Rose and I went to the visitation yesterday but won't be able to go to the funeral which is today. The Queenans are a really lovely family.

OK - Now for some good news. Cameron, my helper/companion, is going to start next week Wednesday. I had just about given up on his working out when he called me yesterday.  Joe and Donald had both emailed to ask about him, and he called before I could answer their emails. He has a car, and we'll use it for trips back and forth. I took a fall a couple of weeks ago and have to dress the wound on my arm daily (which of course Rose does now) after I shower. She will show him how the wound clinic taught her to do it.

As for the wound, I should have had stitches. It was the weekend Rose and Shirley were away, and Chris was staying with me. Shelly's horse, Samson, had been sick and shelly had gone out to Wright City early that day to be with him. She had saved Samson 21 years ago out in Arizona from being put down. She had taken him to several places she's lived - I'm not sure how he was transported. After several phone calls about his condition, Chris and I went speeding out there. We got there just after he died.  Chris and Shelly are great animal lovers, and the death of Samson was a huge loss.  Here is a photo of Shelly and Samson:

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