Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I was confused about when Stef was getting her results and thought it was going to happen today, but won't be until next week.  Nevertheless, everyone is praying and we will update the Family Gazette as soon as we have any information.

I've had two therapy sessions this week.  I bought a new Fit Bit.  I lost both mine and Rose's while testing/comparing them.  I was going to replace hers, too, but she's waiting until Apple comes out with their "Apple Watch."  My therapist wanted to know if that was some kind of fruit,  Pete, What do you think?

The hairdresser came and cut my hair yesterday.  We should have  done a before and after picture.  Marnett came three times so far this week.  I continue  to do the cycle 20 minutes and exercise  here as much as I can.

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