Monday, June 06, 2005

You can reach Sue at (314) 452-3685 or (314) 726-2032. You can write to her c/o Rose Holt, 905 Barnard College Lane, St. Louis, MO 63130

Hello, it's Rose with a quick update. I am in Chicago until tomorrow. Much has happened in the days since Sue and I have updated this blog. Our long delay in providing news has been caused by the presence in our lives of Jalen and Brayden. We had them all last week. Chris and Shelly returned them to their dad on Friday night. It was a grand and glorious and utterly exhausting week with the boys. We went swimming, several times to a neighborhood park with great playground equipment, rode bikes, shopped, and just generally wore ourselves out. Jalen and Brayden are two children who are a pleasure to have with us. Both are very attached to Granny and both are very loving and sensitive. Brayden took it upon himself to help administer any meds Sue ever needed, turn off her light at night, love her up spontaneously, and be on his very best behavior. And Jalen! He is one mature seven-year old. When he does act out, he comes out of his 'snit' having learned a lesson which he truly takes to heart. I was amazed that at the music store he was able to read CD covers and tell me all about the music and the musicians.

Besides all that, the news here is not good. Den continues to fail. He sleeps a good deal of the time now, is only comforted by Sue's presence, and hardily eats. His legs and belly are terribly swollen, and there is nothing to do now but make sure he suffers minimal pain. Sue arranged hospice care, starting last week. It's a terrible situation and very, very hard on Sue. She spends as much time with Den as she can. When I return to St. Louis (tomorrow), Sue and I will try to fill in some of the details of the events since our last blog update.
Sue had this loving e-mail from Joe's daughter Lisa:
"School is out and I'm getting caught back up on the blog. Daddy has kept us up on Denny's situation but reading the events as they happened and were posted was very sobering. Our thoughts are with you as you deal with so many things at once.

Joe Felin led the cemetery run on Memorial Day. David was the driver of "Papa's Van" and he drove myself along with Beth and Lydia and of course we can't go anywhere without the mighty dog Pepper! We visited the Northview, Marshfield and Fordland cemeteries. My husband Jack elected not to go with us because he says we spend too much time talking about family history. I thought that was the point!

Anyway on the way home, Dave received a phone call from a lady who was selling her sailboat. Dave and Daddy had contacted her the day before and she wanted to check if they were still interested and to set up a time for them to come by and check it out. Beth, Lyd and I were amused by the conversation that ensued between Dave and "Doe" about the sailboat. Any potential obstacle that one of them raised was quickly shot down by the other so in the end they are now the new owners of some type of craft that will call the waters of local Fellow's Lake home. Daddy will have to give you more particulars but it should be fun to see the two of them on their adventures. Hopefully Pepper will be left at home for these outings!

Take care,
Sue's former neighbor Leslie wrote to say that she and Sam visited the Marshfield Cemetery also on Memorial Day and placed a flower on our mother's grave. When Sue and I read that e-mail, we both teared up. All the small and terribly meaninful kindnesses of friends and family seem to be greatly amplified these days.
Stephanie, Margaret's daughter, called today to say her husband Dan had got a movie Den was wanting to see ("Aviator") and would be going to the facility to watch it with Den. Movies are a passion that Dan and Den share so I hope Den is up to this viewing.
This is a somewhat disjointed entry. When Sue and I are able to put our heads together, we'll try to provide a more coherent one, one accompanied by some new photos.

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