Friday, February 24, 2006

It has been a while since we updated this blog. We have been in Florida, basking in the sunshine. Truth to tell, we didn't give updating a lot of thought. Also, we didn't have access to the internet. Our weather for our twelve-day stay was spectacular, the best we ever had. It was about 80 degrees F max during the day and down to 50 or so at night. And not a cloud on any horizon. We played a lot of cards, walked our legs off, ate, and rested. I was most happy to discover than my walking has so improved that I actually got up to a four-mile distance on the last two days. Not four miles uninterrupted, but four miles total in a day.

We came home Wednesday night to cold, windy St. Louis. Nice to be home, but much nicer to be in Stef and Dan's Florida digs. THANKS, STEPHANIE AND DAN!!!!!

Brother Bernie is having his ups and downs, health-wise. I talked with both him and Maudie today. They, and some of their offspring, are planning on traveling to St. Louis in early June for the family reunion. Right now, though, Bernie is having to stay close to home because his heart has slowed down and may be having some effect on his liver and kidneys. He is tough as a boot so we fully expect him to travel here in June. He and Maudie plan to bring the Fifth Wheel (whatever that is!) to make their stay even more enjoyable.

Bernie and Maudie's oldest daughter, Anna, was in Florida in the Miami area at the same time we were across the state. The distance was too great for any visiting. Anna is studying at a university in Florida and travels there periodically.

I saw my neurologist, Dr. Dooley, on Thursday. He was delighted, DELIGHTED with my progress since my last IVIG treatment. He is a kindly old fella, but truth is I mostly tell him what I need and when I need it. It was in November 2004 that Chris Costas in Chicago arranged my first IVIG, which Dooley had previously pooh-poohed. Now, four treatments later, Dooley has come around but not without a lot of prodding and poking from me.

Jana (Bob's granddaughter) and her husband John are expecting their first child around April 1. They live in west St. Louis County, and we are hoping to develop a close relationship with this new baby as all three of us LOVE BABIES. We are working on plans for a Sunday brunch get-together for members of the St. Louis family branch to get better acquainted with Jana and John.

Today Chris, Mark, and I had one of our Friday luncheon dates. I must say it is a distinct pleasure to sashay out in public with two such good-looking and charming young men. I am reminded of how much Mother used to love to take Donald and Vita to church with her in Marshfield to "show them off." She said she sometimes felt guilty about her motivation.

We need more feedback about the family reunion so we can make more detailed plans. Pete has agreed to be our M.C. Joe is gathering family history. Stephanie has old photos to scan and copy. We are thinking that on Saturday evening, June 3rd, we would have the Big Gathering, probably at the clubhouse in Chris and Shelly's subdivision. If we can't get the clubhouse (and we won't know until a later date), we will move the gathering to the afternoon in a local park. Mainly, for now we need a ballpark figure on attendance and some volunteers to help organize some activities. For example, would a trip to Webster County and old historical family sites be of interest to anyone? And does anyone have suggestions for the weekend?

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