Wednesday, January 03, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. 2007 may be an even better year. There's some news about "my journey back to health" that I hesitated to post but decided to ask for prayers and best wishes in the coming weeks.

I went to the neuromuscular clinic at Barnes Jewish last Thursday. Rose, one of my many staunch supporters, and I spent the whole day there. I saw about 13 neurologists. At one point there were 5 of them in the room. My neurologist in charge is Glenn Lopate. There is lots of stuff about him on the internet. They drew vials of blood [I thought they were going to have to give me a transfusion when they were done], poked me, shocked me, pinpricked me, tested my strength, watched me walk, hooked me up to various machines, and probably did some other things to me I either forgot or didn't know about. They even watched Rose walk to see if we had an odd "Felin" walk.

After all this they did not come to any diagnosis. Nor has any of the other testing and doctoring I've done for the last 3 years. They may have a diagnosis in about 3 weeks when they get all the results of the tests back. I may have a motor neuron disease which is not treatable. Dr. Lopate said he cannot rule that out but he's leaning toward a possible motor nerve disease which is treatable, and he will be the one that treats it. This is some of the most possibly positive news I've had for 3 years. It's going to be a long 3 weeks.

This group of neurologists deal strictly with muscles and nerves. Since I had encephalitis a couple years ago, I've had intermittent 'spells' for which a different group of neurologists deal with. I'm waiting for a referral from the muscle/nerve group at Barnes Jewish to see that group of doctors.

Meanwhile I had a biopsy on a spot on my nose which turned out to be basil skin cell cancer. I'm having that removed this Friday.

I don't like to dwell on my condition but wanted to let everyone know my current status.

I continue to marvel how good people are to me and would name a lot of them but I type too slowly. The computer would go into one of its modes.

1 comment: said...

Hi Martha Sue
I hope you don't have motor neurone disease. I was diagnosed in Aug 2005, after being ill for about 9 months.
I'm fighting all the wy, but it gets harder every day.
I truly hope you are ok.
Best wishes,