Friday, February 23, 2007

Joe told me he had seen his cardiologist. In asking him in an e-mail about the meeting, I referred to the person as "he." This is Joe's response:

"She is a he, Dr. David Zolgafhari, MD. It was a very interesting and enjoyable visit. He said he keeps hearing about me from his friends and colleagues. He is the surgeon that did the surgery. Dr. Z also is a member of Hickory Hill Country (per Lisa). My heart Dr. is Dr. Anderson (same office) who is married to the dermatologist Lydia sees. The Heart Dr and dermatologist spouse have two sons who are Mary's past students! One son is now in Lisa's Spanish class and going to Costa Rica this summer with Lisa, Lydia and the rest of the group. Dr. Z said he decided to look at my recent Dr. charts from recent visits (to other Doctors) and then decided to call me in. Everything is real good but he explained the incision hernia in more detail. He visited for probably 15 minutes and mentioned being from Phila, PA and rarely having any contact with any of his patients outside the office (in Phila). He said it is nice to go to Home Depot, etc., and bump into people he knows and know him. I mentioned being stationed in Phila. and the NIKE missile base near his old stomping grounds. It was news to him as guess it was pretty well closed down before he was born.

Moral of the story, I now know what my son went through in high school. Anything he did, even on the ski trip to Colorado, got back to us before he returned."

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