Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's Tuesday morning, Rose's birthday morning. She's up, reading the New York Times, and, in general, observing, following her usual routine. She says she feels the same as she felt when she was 64.

I had dinner last Wednesday night with two of my old friends from GMAC, Liz and Melba. Melba's daughter, Denise, joined us. We talked about old times, old friends, old bosses - good ones and bad ones -, husbands, kids, and just caught up on each other. We went into the bar after we ate and some man offered to buy us a drink. We didn't think our 'pick up' was still good. Melba told him "Maybe next time." She said she hadn't been in there for 21 years. He told her it's okay. He'll probably be there cause he's a regular.

The weekend was girls' weekend at the lakehouse. The dads did the babysitting. There was only seven of us this time. Our water got down to a dribble on Saturday morning and I was afraid there was something wrong with the well again but we called Doug and he told us how to bypass the filter and that fixed it. He was with the Boy Scout troop at the Arch and wasn't too happy to hear from us and just wasn't very happy. I was first to bed both nights. The other ones partied some on Friday night but were calmer on Saturday night but still up much later than me. There was lots of shopping and lots of eating. They all love the outlet mall. This girls' weekend was for the younger girls though these 'girls' are approaching early middle age . We're having another girls' weekend in November for the older 'girls' which will consist of a much quieter time. We older go there to rest instead of coming home to rest.

Chris and Shelly are recuperating from their weekend Marathons. Chris told me this morning that he thinks he won't do another one but may change his mind after his soreness goes away. He said Shelly isn't quite so sore but her one knee that she's had surgery on a couple times is swollen. He isn't sure if she wants to do another or not. They stayed with Scott in Louisville and they took Brayden and Jalen to the Louisville Slugger plant and the Science Museum there.

Rose and Shirley are going to Hot Springs, Arkansas, this weekend to Shirley's nephew's wedding. They hope to bathe in the Hot Springs during their visit. Rose also wants to go to the Clinton Library in Little Rock while they're in the area. I'm flying over to Louisville on Thursday to spend a few days with Scott and the boys. Brayden has no concept of time. When I tell him I'll be there on Thursday, he says he'll see me tomorrow, no matter what day I talk to him.

Norm's 80th birthday is Halloween. We always tease him that his mother got tricked instead of treated. The Abbott clan is planning a big celebration at Sabrina and Dave's on Saturday night. Rose, Shirley, and I are going to be out of town and can't make it. I'm sure it will be a big to do and we hate to miss it. Catrina, would you post your email address so everyone can send Norm a Happy Birthday? I don't think he has an email address but if he does, would you post his?

Rose has been getting lots of birthday wishes this morning. Pete, for one, called just noe from Idaho. She has an appointment later today with the chiropractor for her 'bad back', as we say down home. I'm not sure I spelled it right but the visit is a quick and sure cure. She had this occasional 'bad back' before her birthday so Shirley and I assure her it's not her age causing it.

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