Saturday, November 16, 2013

Restless Night

Dr. Hogan just left  on his rounds and said I did not have any seizures during the night but he was aware that I was awake several times.  He thought, and I agreed, that we should proceed with our plan for me to stay here until Monday.  Then the therapy is most what I'm looking forward to at BJEC.  I've got a bit of exercise here, but nothing compared to what they give at BJEC.  There's an exercycle in the room with me but I've ridden it once because there's no one to stay in the room with me while I do exercise.  At BJEC, they truly encourage you and let you do it.

I asked the doctor if I could take a couple days off between the move and he said as far as he is concerned he doesn't care, but there are people lined up for BJEC so maybe I best not ask.  I might lose my place in line for therapy.

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