Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Here is an update on Bernie from his son Doug. It comes to us via Margaret:
"Hi Auntie M,

Not much to report today. Dad is doing pretty well. He is getting up three times a day now and walking around the hallways on the third floor of the VA hospital. I see him eyeing the elevators pretty heavy as we walk by.... His legs are working great and they have taken him off the pain medication. So he is otherwise pretty much back to his old self except for some swelling that needs to come down before he is released.

The nurses say that he would be already moved to an intermediate care room except they are full, so he stays in the ICU. He does have the most private room available there and they allow all the visitors Dad can handle. Today we made the most of it by cramming 7 of us in the 10' by 10' room with him. We rotated out when we ran out of oxygen to breathe.

We are hopeful that Dad will be released to go home by the middle of next week. Everyone is doing their parts to see that it happens.

-more later.


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